Inria projects that advanced research on Connected Society in 2017
Connected Vehicules
400 K€ European Union H2020 funding for the development of a a tactile dashboard for cars
by Inria project teams
by Inria project teams

© Inria - C. Morel
Smart cities
Every square centimetre will produce data
Big Data
Large-scale computing experimentation
Matrix Lead : optimise Excel spreadsheets
In a robot's shoes

© Inria Photo C. Morel
Virtual Reality
Go Touch VR : virtual reality at your fingertips
Big Data
There were no statistical studies on this scale likely to show the results of social sciences researchers.
Dante project team
Smart Home
Smart home and innovation in social housing

© Inria Photo G. Scagnelli
Citizen Life
E-voting software for general public use
Simulating Large-Scale Distributed Systems