Inria projects that advanced research on Artificial intelligence in 2017
50 M€ Investment planned by Fujitsu in France to develop its competence in data processing and artificial intelligence

© WavebreakmediaMicro - Fotolia
Analysing facial expressions
Computers are learning to see!
Connected Objects
The number of programmable connected objects doubles about every three years.
Pervasive Interaction project team
Inria at the centre of the national debate on AI

© Institut Dataia
The DATAIA Institute: from computer sciences to social sciences
Machine Learning
When the computer learns the language
Ever since Inria was created, our researchers have always been active in the field of artificial intelligence.
director of the Inria Saclay centre

© Inria - C.Morel
Semantic Web
Songs into Data

© Inria G. Scagnelli
Microsoft and Inria in Station F

© Inria - C. Morel
Inria's jubilee
AI : promises and limits
Semantic Web
Will a computer write a literary masterpiece?